Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cabin Fever

We are getting a little buggy around here.  Partly, winter's getting long now in late February.  Then, adding to things, it seems to me I hear my name called a few hundred thousand times a day.  "Mom, Mom, MOM!?"  I feel so needed.  Jude's calling out from the bathroom.  Addie is climbing up my leg as I'm walking.  Grace wants to jump rope in the house not to mention the spontaneous soccer games in the kitchen.  We need to get out of the house.  I need some deep breathing techniques.  There are two things that are definitely helping beat the winter claustrophobia.

#1. The Library 
There is a fantastic library here and we're visiting it at least twice a week.  I've been requesting certain books online [for me and the kiddos] and most are available for pickup within a few days.  It's a great time of year for reading and we are reading A LOT. 

#2. The YMCA

 The five of us have been going to the YMCA the last few Friday nights and we spend about an hour in the pool.  Grace likes the water slide, Jude water basketball, and Addie the zero entry kiddie pool.  Tim and I have our hands full with watching the three of them especially Addie who has no fear of the water.  It's such a challenging age to keep her safe.  I'm on edge as long as she's moving.  Tim and I manage it all ok until it's time for showers. 

The family locker room experience feels like a circus.  On the drive home I'm looking out the window and pondering our parenting techniques.  This thought is interrupted by some yelling from the back seat.  It feels chaotic trying to have a conversation with Tim so, I give up due to the numerous interruptions.  

It is fun playing and laughing together.  I also liked sitting in the steam room for 10 minutes- alone.  It feels like an accomplishment to have made it through the evening.  I'm celebrating the fact the kids are fed, safe, happy and healthy.   Just this feels like a victory.



Tessa Balstad said...

I'm glad you guys have found something new to do on Friday nights. :)

Farm-Raised said...

Kate! You have a blog! I'm so happy you posted this link on facebook. I'm adding you to my google reader. Your days sound a lot like seeing that precious picture on your header. I'll definitely keep checking in! xo Leslie

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