Friday, February 3, 2012

The Years Fly By

It stuck with me..."The days are long but the years fly by."

Some days, most days, I wonder if it's time for bed yet.  What time is it?  Followed by...
it's only 7pm?!  You've got to be kidding.  It feels so much later.  

Our children are busy, noisy, excited and intense.  It is crazy, beautiful, chaos.  
While Jude is building a fort with the couch cushions, Addie baby is following behind and eating the tiny, little treasures left in the couch.  Especially popcorn kernels.  She's also carrying her favorite green mardi gras beads in her hand and if Jude even gets close to touching them she shrieks. 

 I'm trying to lock these moments in my memory.  The crazy thing is, it seems with the passing of time, I remember so little.  It's moving so fast it's all rather a blur.  Pregnancy.  Morning sickness.  Delivery.  Night time feedings.  It's all so real, consuming, and long when you are there.  My six weeks of morning sickness seemed like an eternity at the time.  Wondering, with so much drama, is this ever going to end?  It does.  It fades like a blurry image.  

 I may be in a certain level of emotional shock that causes the reality to feel more similar to a dream like state.  Just today I was having a conversation with Grace and in my mind I was thinking..."Am I really having this conversation?"  Or when we brought Addie home nine months ago..."Are we really getting on this airplane right now and bringing this baby home?!" 

It's real.  At least I think it is, if it's not, don't wake me up.  


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