Friday, March 23, 2012


My husband has Fridays off work.  It’s quickly becoming my favorite day of the week.
Today, after Gracie-Lou-Who was dropped off at school, we headed out of town with the younger two. 
Hit the outlet mall because our older kids are desperately in need of spring/summer clothes.  I had one of those, “I am a horrible mom”, feelings when I picked up Grace from school last week.  Temp was 85 degrees and she was outside waiting for me with her pants rolled up so high they only came down about 8 inches.  She didn’t have any shorts to wear, poor honey.

In my defense, it felt like we switched from winter to summer in the blink of an eye and I wasn’t prepared with clothes.  I am not the mom who buys clothes in advance and has a “grow bin” in existence for my kids.  It might be a good idea.  Grace and Jude have grown like weeds since last year so hardly anything from last year is back.  

We took a break at 11:30 a.m. for Chipotle.  Chicken burrito bowl=Divine.  [Is it just me or does it seem the place is always full of men?]

Tonight Grace and Jude “modeled” their new duds.  It was quite a theatrical performance, full of smiles, jumping and dancing from both of them.    

If you are looking for a five year old male model, here he is:



Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Kate! These two are growing up so fast! Jude is quite the male model...Love him!

Ronnell Kay Gibson said...

Kate- Start taking advantage of friends with girls one/two sizes up-as in us US :). I just packed up BAGS of clothes that Mackenzie outgrew. Most of it is excellent condition.

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