Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Golden Day & I'm Not Even Irish

Happy Saturday, friends!
It was 80 degrees and sunny MARCH!

We did exciting things like unpack the garage.  My husband did mostly, to be honest. 
The kids played outside 'til they were so red faced they had to come inside and have ice cream to "cool off".  They played at one of the neighbor's swing sets and in our yard for hours.  I hung my first loads of laundry on the clothesline.  We also had our first grill out of the season!  Juicy hamburgers and I loaded mine with black bean salsa.  Definitely a high point in my day.

I went grocery shopping and am attempting to make better choices more often.  I am trying to buy more from the peripheral sections of the store and less from the middle aisles.  Although there was no way I was passing up the Dove chocolates for $1.50.  I intended to save them for the kiddos' Easter baskets but it's not looking very good on them lasting that long.  Three weeks...who am I kidding?  Oh, yes, I also bought M&Ms.

I found this taped to Grace's bedroom door. 

Tim also hung the dala horse today.  I love was a gift from a dear friend.  
It was on the porch of our old house [I'm really going to miss that porch this summer] and now it welcomes you to our new address.  It makes me happy.


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