Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Check-in: Clothing Fast

If you are curious about my year long fast from buying new clothes, it's almost over!  [The finish line is my birthday- August 14.]  

Though my husband said the other day that I'm not really on a fast anymore. You might not know it but I'm still on it.  I haven't done so well since my last update [Valentine's Day].  During the first 6 months I did well and only bought 2 items.  

Since February, I've bought the following:
  1. cardigan
  2. cream sweater
  3. gray/black casual top 
  4. jean capris
  5. polka dot dress top
  6. dress
  7. black maxi skirt
  8. gray t-shirt
  9. white t-shirt
  10. tank top
  11. tank top
If I can make it three more weeks without buying anything I will have bought 13 new clothing items in a year.  If full disclosure is helpful, I bought a swimsuit too.  The 4th of July weekend we were in the Wisconsin Dells and I nearly had a wardrobe malfunction.  True story.  If you've got a suit that is becoming more sheer and losing a bit of elasticity, take it from me, it's time to get a new one. 


Farm-Raised said...

YAY!! Can't believe it has been almost a year!! I'd love to hear more of your observations...maybe next weekend in person! : -)

Kate said...

Yes, next week! It's going to be so fun.

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