Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One [Beautiful] Year

Dear Addis Nigat,

What a difference a year makes!
 A year ago daddy and I were staying at our agency’s guesthouse in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, getting to know you.


Then, just a few days later, we were getting on an airplane with you, our tiny little baby we hardly knew, and bringing you [the 8,000 miles] home with us!   It felt so surreal and unbelievable.

The dream that began three years before was coming true.

You were quiet and snuggly.  You loved your white gauzy blanket, being held, and sucking on your left pointer finger.  The nannies who cared for you described you as a “peaceful” baby.

You were just a feather.  Ten months old and wearing size 3 month clothes.

And now, just a year later, it feels as if you’ve always been with us, a part of us.  
 I believe God answered our prayer and picked you for us.  He put us together and I’m so thankful.  You needed a family and we needed you.  You are a gift.  You bring joy.  Sometimes when you are laughing I close my eyes and think of what a beautiful sound it is and it ministers to my soul…like giant waves. 

I am so thankful for the wonderful privilege of being your mother.

Sometimes I wonder how we will tell you your story or when you will realize you have beautiful brown skin and we don’t.  We will protect your story because it is yours.  It breaks my heart to know the loss you and your family of origin experienced so early in your life.  I pray God gives grace for this grief. 

I wish your biological mother knew how amazing you are.  You are loved.  
 You are thriving.  You are beautiful.  The doctors tell us your progress is “amazing”.   
We have celebrated many milestones this year as you have learned to sit, crawl, stand, walk, laugh, talk, and we’ve experienced so many firsts with you.


You love books but insist we read your favorites.   Daddy and I have memorized quite a few as a result.
[The Eye Book.  The Foot Book.  Five Little Monkeys.  Over In the Meadow.  Brown Bear...] 
 “More”, you say usually before we’ve even finished the last page.

You’re not really into toys but you love emptying the Tupperware cupboard, brushing your teeth, climbing, going outside [you are usually looking for a duck], and have a few random items you like to put in your “pack pack”.   You like wearing things around your neck…necklaces, scarves, medals, or dress up clothes.  You like "pretty" things.  I am sorry about the styling of your hair...I'm trying but I don't really have a clue how to manage all your curls.

   You are usually very happy but you can throw a serious fit if we don’t give you what you want which is usually a cookie or other sweet food.

April 2011, 10 months                                                                      April 2012, 22 months

You are 22 months old now.  Yes, you are fun.  Busy and noisy.  And did I mention…CUTE?   You are SO cute I could eat you up.  We all love teaching you new words.   Recent favorites you are saying:  
What happened?  Oh, happy day!  Cay have some?  Doduts.  Rumor has it.  Saturday.  Delicious.

I am so thankful for how we have bonded in our first year together.  
I love you so much, my sweet baby girl.  I trust my love for you will show you God’s overwhelming love for you.

You are precious.  You are loved.  
You are one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened in my life. 

Love, your mama

[Sunset over Addis Ababa, April 16, 2011.]


Tanya said...

What a precious family you have and thanks for sharing your story about your beautiful daughter. I love that she says "oh, happy day! and "rumor has it!" My youngest (of 3 boys) is a little bit older than Addie and I am so thankful he's starting to talk more too and he told me today "I had a good day!" Just warms your heart. Have a good night!

angie leverence said...


Farm-Raised said...

Oh...this made me quite teary! How much our lives have changed in the last year. What an unbelievable journey. Your little Addis is so sweet and has such a sweet mama. I absolutely love checking in with all of Sintayehu's baby friends and sharing these moments with you! :-)

Anonymous said...

Found your site through YHL.....LOVED the adoption story....Teary eyed and goose bumps because I could feel the Love in your lines and God's love through you !

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