When I look out our back windows I see a yard full of snow.
But if I go outside and look closer I can see tulips and daffodils popping up through the snow.
I was thinking about how we see things differently depending on our perspective.
Yes, the snow exists. But if I look past all the piles of snow I can see signs of spring.
In my own life, I won't deny there are parts of my life that have been stuck in [perpetual] winter. There are times when winter seems so desperately long [especially when we lived in northern Minnesota]. The hope of spring had a deeper meaning. I felt like a survivor after making it another long, cold winter.
But spring always came. It will always come. Sometimes it doesn't feel true. Still, it is. Similarly, there are things we hold out hope for. And the "winters" are long. The seasons of holding on to hope are long. Maybe days pass, or weeks, sometimes years or even decades. It feels like we can't hang on any longer. Often we feel like banging our head against the wall. We see no sign of spring. We see more snow and forecasts of more snow. We don't think we can shovel anymore.
My kids asked how they could help to bring spring here faster. They asked if it would help if they spread out the snow so it melts faster. I can relate to the feeling. It's as if I want to bring a blow dryer out into my back yard. The absurdity is true but yet the feeling is true. We have had enough.
Yet there is nothing we can do to make spring come faster. We wait. It will come. In my life, this has been a season where "spring" is coming into my heart and life. I have seen things come that have been long hoped for. I celebrate the long anticipated new life, the "spring". Winter is letting go...and warmth and growth and life are replacing it. Maybe it's that much sweeter when the wait has been long.
We see the thermometer says 40 degrees. Here in Wisconsin, it appears, it's reason to celebrate. People are outside, dressed with remarkably light clothing, and unusually happy. You would think it was actually warm out today. We know it's true...spring is near. It's just a matter of time.
In our family, we are still wearing jackets and boots outside but inside we've got sandals waiting. We're ready.
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches on the soul,
and sings the song without the words and never stops at all."
~Emily Dickinson~
~Emily Dickinson~