Opening the totes of little dresses, I'm thrown into thoughts of sweet babies.
The Mr. and I have been on the topic for awhile now. Nearly every week someone asks us if we are "done". I think this is the stage of life where people are having the conversation. Many of our peers are getting rid of the cribs. When it comes up, I've heard it said, "Oh, yeah, we're done...we've gotten rid of the crib." As if getting rid of the crib makes it concrete/irreversible/permanent. Maybe it is the symbol.
Well, we don't have a crib. But that certainly wouldn't stop me.
My husband tells me that once you have 3 kids you're at a level where 4 doesn't really seem like much more. I'm not sure I'm convinced but I do love his optimism [usually].
I'm 35 and my husband is 38. The other day someone said that I'm nearly 40. My husband, maybe, but me, no. I'm closer to 30 than 40.
With our three kids...I could picture another child. This time I can't quite visualize baby #4. It's quite foggy.
I'm not ready to say we are done. I'm also not ready to jump off the cliff.
Then the next question...Biological? Adoption? People sometimes say, adoption must be easier. Pregnancy and childbirth [read about our firstborn's birth here] were challenging but, in some ways, adoption was even more.
We'd be more likely to adopt again than get pregnant. I'm not sure it will ever happen but I can't bring myself to say it's all over. Let's just stay in limbo awhile longer.
Linking up with Just Write.