As I mentioned in an earlier post, I love thrifting. I have only been out to the local spots a couple of times this summer. Last night my daughter and I stopped in Goodwill and were quite giggly as we looked over the aisles and showed each other random and strange items.
Books for the kiddos [paid $0.35-$0.40 each]
My husband was running an errand and snagged a 9 inch globe for a quarter at a garage sale in our neighborhood. I've got a strong affinity for globes, so this made me smile. I hope he brings more globes home because it spells love [to me]. This is probably my favorite of all the finds.
Back to the, I bought this whale. My daughter thought I was joking but I wasn't. It came home with us for $1.50. Maybe the heat was getting to me. My thoughts: Remove numbers, fill hole, prime, paint, and hang on bathroom wall. It's for the kids, you know.
This image for makeover inspiration via
Today and tomorrow St. Vincent's is having a 50% off sale on everything in the store so the prices listed below were especially low.
Here's a few of the things I saw but left behind:
"Breakfast set" of bowl, plate and mug= $0.75
Set of 5 canisters. Brand was "Clay Art"= $10.50
(Original price tags were still on- $29.99 for large size (x3) and $24.99 for smaller (x2).
print of a rose [and other similar botanical prints] in quality frame and mats= $2
And a few more things I did buy:
Baskets for the girls' bedtime books = $0.75 each
Heavy metal lamp base=$3.50. [Plan to paint it an undetermined color.]