I've been flying solo this week. [The Mr. comes home tomorrow from an eight day trip.] I have much [much] more admiration for single parents every time he's away.
I felt quite courageous today taking the three honeys grocery shopping with me. We did get quite a few interesting looks in the store. This makes me a little paranoid because I'm wondering what people are thinking. [I think it's normal for kids to want to touch everything and to be unaware of people around them?]
Our toddler is loud and doesn't want to ride in the cart. I reverted to giving her a sucker recently and that was brilliant. This time I brought her green mardi gras beads. I should go back to the sucker idea. My mantra is evolving, currently it's something like "whatever it takes".
A few people smile at us but quite a few look like they will jump out of our path. [I hope my face doesn't look angry]. I was on a mission to get the goods and get out. And we did.
[This was right after my elementary aged daughter saw a store sign that read "family planning". She was quite insistent we needed to go over and check it out because "we need planning for our family". She is so my daughter.]
[This was right after my elementary aged daughter saw a store sign that read "family planning". She was quite insistent we needed to go over and check it out because "we need planning for our family". She is so my daughter.]
I love beautiful words and I read these yesterday.
"Bask in the sunshine of His love.
Drink in the waters of His goodness.
Keep your face upturned to Him.
You need make no efforts to grow.
But let your efforts be all concentrated on this,
You abide in Him." [H.W.S]
Yes and yes. I read it again. It sounds so amazing and yet feels so difficult. It reminded me of yoga class last week when the teacher concluded with a few minutes of relaxation. As we laid on our backs, our eyes closed, bodies relaxed, her words rang in my head... "There is nothing that needs doing. Nothing that needs undoing." Inside my head I was saying...yes and yes. Making no efforts. No striving. Just resting. Beautiful rest.
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away
with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real
rest. Walk with me. Learn the
unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on
you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." [Matthew 11- the Message].