Ever feel like this?
Sock Monkey joined our family last fall to bring a smile to Grace when she was really sick with a virus. [She ran a high fever for 21 days straight.] It was one of those hang on, weary times. Since then Sock Monkey has been carried, thrown, dropped, and dragged around. He has not become one of the kids' favorite "stuffies" so, at the end of the day, I often find him in odd places but usually not snuggled in bed with one of the kids.
Ever feel like you need strength to hang in there?
The sprint has turned into a marathon and the marathon into an ultra marathon [there are crazy people who run more than 26 miles!]. This is completely metaphorically speaking, of course, because I don't actually run. At all. It would be a lot easier to "run" in life if I wasn't carrying so much luggage. Luggage I'm pretty sure I have determined not to pack up and bring with me anymore. Luggage I don't even like. You know, when you're at the airport...it's that ugly luggage you'd be embarrassed to carry around. Maybe it's 1960's green...and it probably has a good amount of duct tape around it to keep it together. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure it's my luggage anymore. I'd probably advance a lot more in the race too if I wasn't running around the same old block for the millionth time. "Gosh, I've been here before. This is awfully familiar..."
I like this quote: “When the scale of trials is light, the scale of
comfort will be light as well, but when the scale of trials is full, the scale
of comfort will be equally as heavy.
When the clouds are the darkest, God’s light is more brightly
revealed. Trials make more room for
comfort.” [Spurgeon]
"Trials make more room for comfort". When Grace was so sick, it was awful to watch her suffer but it was [especially] sweet being with her. Sometimes in these moments, although hard, life gets simpler. Other things don't matter quite so much. We see the good things more clearly. And we realize...we really are thankful,
"Trials make more room for comfort". When Grace was so sick, it was awful to watch her suffer but it was [especially] sweet being with her. Sometimes in these moments, although hard, life gets simpler. Other things don't matter quite so much. We see the good things more clearly. And we realize...we really are thankful,